Altadena, CA

The bread and butter of the AdventurousBug community. Here is where your adventures come to life. Ever wanted to take a dance class? Have a ladies night? Go skydiving, or relax with a book club? Take in a movie or take in the sites? Want to start checking off the Bucket List? Create your event or join one, invite the AdventurousBug community and watch as your world begins to unfold. Events are Adventures and we believe Adventures are unique to each of us and often more fun together. Our Events section is a friendly nudge that reminds us to use the internet to get off the internet.

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Planning an event or going to one you would like to share within the community? Here is the perfect spot to create, invite, join and explore the AdventurousBug world around you. Don't have an event in your area? Start one and tell your friends.

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