anna-marie-angeloni-fullAnna Marie Angeloni
Co-Founder and CEO

Anna Marie Angeloni is Co-Founder and Chief Executive Officer of AdventurousBug, Corporation where she sets the strategic vision, mobilizes resources and her team to make AdventurousBug into a leading community for women both at home and abroad. She over sees the day-to-day operations of the company and implements the long and short term plan with her partner and Co-Founder, Pascale Gigon. She builds and maintains relationships with the community she serves. With over twenty years of work experience in both business and creative fields, holding numerous positions that have prepared her for her position as creative and directing head of

Ms. Angeloni is a strong believer in her mission to see AdventurousBug become a corporate leader in the world of women’s adventures, issues, dreams, and passions while giving women a place to call their own with pride and unwavering spirit. Ms. Angeloni believes that women need a place where they can become who they always wanted to be or do whatever challenges them. She believes women are not given enough opportunity to explore outside of what was pre-set for them either by circumstance, shyness or fear. She believes if you want to go back to school at 60, you should. If you want to start your own business, you should. If you want to get together with girlfriends, you should. You want to check off your bucket list, you should.

Ms. Angeloni believes we all have many chapters in our lives, and with each new chapter we can learn to grow our inner self and she is pleased that with AdventurousBug she can create and be part of a community of women in different stages of their chapters or starting a new chapter. That each Adventure is unique to each woman, and AdventurousBug provides the platform, support of community to give women their opportunities they want.

One of her many Adventures : “Being a California native I have been lucky to have good weather which affords me clear skies on my hikes…..well most of the time. Wettest, or downright “oops” Adventure I had. Hiking after a storm washed all the trails away, trekking through mud in the San Gabriel Mountains, losing the team off and on and falling backwards in a freezing river, camera in Zip-Lock thank goodness. Hey that gives me an idea Zip-Lock will you sponsor my next river dive? I emerged wet in 20 something degrees finishing the hike we reach top of the mount only to find I have lost the keys to drive back off the, now snowy, mountain. After emptying my entire pack, three times, my pockets unknown times, the realization that they must have went into the river sets in. And then the worst part dawns on me, reaching AAA to come all the way up here is going to cost me some serious coinage. I waited out my situation. Two hours later, frost bitten and still soaked, I hit the top of my jacket and clink clink. Ah the Keys!”

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